A Tour of My Quilt Room

I’m always fascinated to see how other people organize their creative spaces, so I thought I would start this new blog by posting some diagrams and photos of mine. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how I can organize this space better, so feel free to drop a comment below!


To start off with, here is an approximate diagram of where things are located. To give a sense of scale, the overall space is about 15’8’’ long by 12’ wide.

Here’s a panoramic view (complete with weird distortions, haha). More detailed pics below.

Starting with my sewing table. The machine is inset into a table that my husband helped me build built for me. The pressing table is a DIY scenario of batting and canvas stapled around a piece of plywood which is sitting on top of an IKEA table with adjustable height legs. Love the IKEA pegboards where I display various notions and tools, works in progress, and things that make me happy! The rainbow cart is filled with various notions (threads, glues, etc) and holds my printer.

Underneath the pressing table is an IKEA Alex drawer where I try to corral most of my smaller scraps. I am trying to get better at keeping scraps organized in a way that’s actually useful but in the meantime, the ROYGBIV here makes me happy to look at.

P.S. Yes there is masking tape holding together one of the drawers. Don’t judge me lol.

My Innova longarm (with 12 foot table) takes up most of the room. We got those super long 12’ leader bars in through the window since they wouldn’t fit through the staircase :) Underneath are some IKEA cubes that I recovered in my favorite Phosphor fabric from Libs Elliott. The cubes are filled with all kinds of stuff like batting scraps, tape/staples, garment fabrics, etc. I need to go through and get them organized and labeled so I don’t pull out 16 bins every time I’m trying to find something! The paper plates are a great organization tip that I also heard about from Libs Elliott that really works well for me. I will share more about it in a future post.

Completing the room is my cutting table and bookcases. The table is an awesome heavy-duty adjustable height Husky table that my generous in-laws gifted me for the holidays a few years back. The quilt bundles on top of the bookcase are charity quilts waiting to be quilted for one of my guilds, Quilters Anonymous.

These plastic drawers are one of my favorite bits of organization in the room. I keep a lot of my FQs and yardage in them that’s not destined for any project in particular yet.

Most of my other fabric is not quite as organized but I try to put it together by theme-ish. I have a Christmas shelf and a Halloween shelf. You can tell the relative importance that Halloween has in my life by how much more full that shelf is! I also have a shelf that has lots of fairy tale, farm, and cutesy kid prints that I love collecting and putting into baby quilts.

And not to forget one more pegboard where I try to corral some of my most-used rulers and longarm quilting threads.

That’s it for the tour! I would love comments if you have tips or suggestions.


How I Organize Quilt Pieces